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Showing posts from 2015

Utility posts

Extracing jar file Assuming JDK installed on your machine, use below command jar xf {jar file to extract} If it doesnt work, make sure {C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_31\bin or JAVA_HOME } configured in your PATH environmental variable. To edit environmental variable, in Windows7, Right Click on windows computer -- Properties -- Advanced System Settings -- Advanced Tab -- Environment Variables.

Full Android Backup with out root

Backup 1. You need have Java installed on your machine. 2. Install Android SDK 3. ADB file would be in  C:\Users\< >\AppData\Local\Android\Android-sdk\platform-tools 4. connect your Android phone to Windows 5. From command prompt navigate to location in Step 3 6. Type the command "adb devices".  You should see your device listed 7. To back up your device, use below command "adb backup -apk -shared -all -f  {Location to store backup.ab file}" 8. it will ask you to unlock your phone and accept. Restore 1. To restore use below command adb restore {Location where backup.ab file stored}