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Showing posts from February, 2009

Rule Harvesting (Rule-From-File wizard)

RULE HARVESTING To day we are going to discuss about how to develope some rules out side the PRPC environment (in a Windows file).  This capability is generally referred as Rule Harvesting , which is implemented using Rule-From-File Wizard. Rule that can be developed  Using this wizard you can develop 1. Flow Rules 2. Decision Table Rules 3. Decision Tree Rules 4. Map Value Rules Starting the Wizard Navigate through Application --> Import --> Rule From File... Creating a Flow Rule (Rule-Obj-Flow type) You can do this using 4 different types of files 1. Using MS Visio file (. VSD files ) 2. Using XML file confirming to Harvest.PublicFlow XSD 3. Using XML file confirming to BPEL 1.1 Format 4. Using XML file produced in Proforma's Pro Vision CIF 1.0 Format Using MS Visio The only requirement that a Visio diagram to be successfully create a Flow is that it should have only closed shapes and arrows to represent a business process Using XML Files confirming to Harvest.PublicFlow...

PRPC - Where Am I

Hi all, From today onwards, every day i would like to discuss about some rule of PRPC. Today i am discussion about the "Where am I" icon and its functionality . WHERE AM I  "Where Am I" Icon will be found on your Work list or on a Work Object. Its functionality is to display the Current processing flow with a Big Arrow mark on the currently processing assignment. To use this functionality you need have Work.-Perform privilege .  When you click on this icon, a window name " You are here " will be popped up. This window shows the current Flow Stack. The Flow Stack contains the list of flow rules in process for the current task only. Completed Flows and other executions operating on the current work object in parallel to the current execution (parallel in flows) will not included. On the top of this window, the flow-sub flow relationship is maintained from Left To Right. By Clicking on them, you can navigate to corresponding Flow/Sub Flow. The Flow at botto...