Years ago, I had a question "is there a manual explaining how to use my (Human) body? "
Pursuit of this question send me in different directions.
In this post, I will talk about "How to poop properly?" what is the right way ?
Before get into it, Why now ?
My daughter going through potty training. She naturally prefers Indian style full squat. This initially puzzled me as she newer knew about this way and also this is against what she is seeing / observing in Potty training videos and what is being taught at school.
Being born in India, crouching is the way for us. Now being in western world, forcing my daughter against her natural will, makes me feel guilt.
So i started searching about what is the right thing to do.
Came across Dov Sikirov who researched on Human Digestive diseases. In his 2013 article (refer he studied straining forces applied when sitting or squatting during defecation and concluded that sensation of satisfactory bowel emptying in sitting defecation posture necessitates excessive expulsive effort compared to the squatting posture.
In another study, 3 positions are compared for defecation by measuring abdominal pressure. The Three positions used are : sitting, sitting with the hip flexing at 60 ° with respect to the rest of the body, and squatting with the hip flexing at 22.5 ° with respect to the rest of the body. This study concluded that "The results of the present study suggest that the greater the hip flexion achieved by squatting, the straighter the rectoanal canal will be, and accordingly, less strain will be required for defecation"
After reviewing this, I started researching how to implement this knowledge a.k.a how to squat in Western world. I looked at easy and cost effective solutions to implement.
This lead to review of various products like squat stools.
But more are offering some hip flexing but not a full squat.
There are 2 product that came close to my expectation
But the product website no longer in works.
Problem with it, at this time is "its way expensive". Earlier reviewed squat stools are around $30 but this one is at 6X i.e., $180 as its made on demand.
There is a need to produce it a better price.
For now, the plan is to do Malasana (Telugu translation is faeces posture)
I will be watching this space and updating as market place changes...