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Showing posts from March, 2020

Understanding Covid19

Test, Trace and Isolate  Some articles / videos that helped me understand Covid19 better are documented here for others Read Peter Kruger 's answer to Why is COVID-19 considered a deadly virus even though only 15,000 people have died? on Quora Want to see the true potential impact of ignoring social distancing? Through a partnership with @xmodesocial , we analyzed secondary locations of anonymized mobile devices that were active at a single Ft. Lauderdale beach during spring break. This is where they went across the US: — Tectonix GEO (@TectonixGEO) March 25, 2020 Effectiveness of local lock down and closing down boarders Read John Light 's answer to Some researchers are indicating that the epidemiology of COVID-19 is following a graph-theoretic "small world" model rather than a classic exponential model; do you agree, and how does this bode for the disease progression in the U.S.? on Quora Expl...

My Thoughts on Corona virus #COVID19

Based on Corona virus ability to stay undetected (with no symptoms) while keep spreading is going to keep this virus alive for a long time to come . Let that sink for a min As we dont have a cure yet, social distancing, can only slow down its spread but cant eradicate it completely. If social distancing sounds too silly for you, check this video to understand how effective it is. So its not IF but WHEN , one is going to be infected . By practicing social distancing, we are effectively buying more time and protecting someone vulnerable, could be our loved one. During this time, lets hope More people dont get infected, crushing Medical infrastructure Virus dont mutate into some other form Get a cure to the virus or a vaccine (with mild virus) to train our immune system. -------------------------------------------------- On consequences Of those infected, elderly and folks with weak immune system are most at life risk. Remaining others will get recover...

Weight loss - Muscle building - Protein

Why you need Protein ? Thermogenesis is the natural increase in the energy your body uses after eating. Protein causes a  higher rate of dietary thermogenesis  than other nutrients — research in the  Nutrition & Metabolism  journal explains that eating protein can actually allow the body to blast through up to  20-30% more calories than carbohydrates or fat The government recommends that the baseline requirements for adults is 0.75g of dietary protein per kilogram of bodyweight per day To  maximize muscle growth , research from the  Journal of Sports Sciences  recommends consumption of between: 1.3-1.8g per kilogram of bodyweight per day  (the amount between these two points depends on training status) and; Up to  1.8-2g per kilogram of bodyweight per day during periods of energy restriction  to prevent muscle loss – more than double the government recommendations. I think in general it would be better to m...